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What Is Weber’s Law?

Weber’s law, also sometimes referred to as Web-Fechner law, is a principle that quantifies how people perceive a change in a stimulus. According to Weber’s law, the just noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the original stimulus size.

The just noticeable difference, also known as the difference threshold, is the smallest possible difference between two stimuli that can be detected at least half the time.

Weber’s law, named after German physiologist Ernst Weber, is a principle of perception that states that the size of the just noticeable difference varies depending upon its relation to the strength of the original stimulus.

In simple terms, Weber’s law means that the difference you can detect between two things, such as brightness or weight, depends on how big those things are.

That means that if the initial stimulus is very large, the difference between two things also has to be very large in order for you to detect the difference.

How Weber’s Law Works

Weber’s law suggests that whether or not you can detect a change in a stimulus depends on the strength of the original stimulus.

For example, imagine that you are holding a small stone in your hand. If someone were to place another rock in the palm of your hand, you would be able to detect the difference.

However, imagine that you were holding a very large rock in your hand. You would likely not notice any difference in weight if someone added a small pebble.

Because the small pebble represents such a small change from the heavier original stimulus, you are less likely to detect the change.

Why Weber’s Law Is Important

Weber’s law demonstrates an important point. Our physiological experiences of the world are relative. The law can be applied to all senses, including touch, vision, hearing, smell, and taste. Research has also found that Weber’s law can apply to our perception of time.

However, it is important to note that Weber’s law is not always true and differs depending on the sense involved. For example:

When it comes to weight perception, Weber found that the just noticeable difference was proportional to the original weight. Weber’s law applied generally when it comes to perceiving sounds of higher intensities, but not for lower ones.

Applications for Weber’s Law

Understanding how Weber’s law works and why it is important can be helpful in a variety of fields.


When making changes to products, marketers can use Weber’s law to help determine how much of a change needs to be made in order for customers to notice. This might include changes in price, packaging, or other attributes.

Product Design and Ergonomics

When designing and improving products, designers can utilize Weber’s law to ensure that the changes they make are noticeable to the target audience.

Sensory Research

Weber’s law is an important principle in the study of sensation and perception. It helps researchers such how humans perceive and interpret sensory information, which can provide valuable information about how these processes work and the factors that might impact them.

The Bottom Line

Weber’s law explains how people detect differences between stimuli, stating that the differences must be proportional to the magnitude of the original stimulus. This principle provides important insights into how our sensory system functions and the factors that impact how we perceive differences in our environment.


Haigh A, Apthorp D, Bizo LA. The role of Weber’s law in human time perception. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2021;83(1):435-447. doi:10.3758/s13414-020-02128-6

Holden JK, Francisco EM, Zhang Z, Baric C, Tommerdahl M. An undergraduate laboratory exercise to study Weber’s lawJ Undergrad Neurosci Educ. 2011;9(2):A71-A74.

Namboodiri VMK, Mihalas S, Hussain Shuler MG. A temporal basis for Weber’s law in value perception. Front Integr Neurosci. 2014;8. doi:10.3389/fnint.2014.00079

Pardo-Vazquez JL, Castiñeiras-de Saa JR, Valente M, et al. The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law. Nat Neurosci. 2019;22(9):1493-1502. doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0439-7