Touching a hot pan

Unconditioned Stimulus: Definition and Examples

In classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus automatically leads to a response. It triggers a response unconditionally without any prior learning. The unconditioned stimulus sets the foundation for forming conditioned responses through associative learning. An unexpected loud noise is one example. You react naturally and automatically when this unconditional stimulus occurs by flinching in surprise. That unlearned…

Behaviorism Examples, Definition, and Impact

Behaviorism, the study of observable behavior, revolutionized psychology by focusing on how our interactions shape us. This article explores its core concepts, historical impact, and enduring relevance in modern therapy and education. Key Takeaways What Is Behaviorism? Behaviorism is the psychological theory that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment, focusing solely on…

Stimulus generalization with the sound of a bell

What Is Stimulus Generalization?

In psychology, stimulus generalization refers to the tendency for a conditioned response to be elicited by stimuli similar to the original conditioned stimulus. This phenomenon occurs when an organism responds to new stimuli that are similar but not identical to the stimulus that was originally conditioned. Stimulus generalization occurs when an organism responds to a…

A dog demonstrating acquisition of a learned behavior

Acquisition In Psychology: Definition With Examples

Acquisition in classical conditioning is the phase where a neutral stimulus starts triggering a response through repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus, marking the beginning of new learning. Key Takeaways What Is Acquisition in Classical Conditioning? Acquisition is the process in classical conditioning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to trigger…