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What Is the Democratic Leadership Style?

Democratic leadership is a style in which both leaders and group members help make decisions. Also known as participative leadership, this leadership approach encourages group members to share their ideas, participate actively in the decision-making process, and discuss different options and alternatives.

For example, a manager might ask team members to share their input as the group works on a project.

These leaders retain the final say and help direct who participates and when their input is wanted or needed. Such leaders often encourage their followers to share their knowledge and expertise while still providing plenty of guidance.

Characteristics of the Democratic Leadership Style

The democratic leadership style can vary, but the key characteristic is the desire for group involvement and participation. Other key characteristics of participative leadership include:

  • Team-building
  • Confident
  • Empathetic
  • Creative
  • Flexible
  • Honest
  • Strong communication
  • Adaptable
  • Encouraging

They may also possess other important leadership traits, including conscientiousness, assertiveness, compassion, and intelligence.

Examples of Democratic Leadership Style

Democratic leadership can be seen in many settings and situations throughout the world, including:

Democratic Governments

While individual government structure may vary, many world governments utilize a democratic form of government, including the United States, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Ireland, and Australia.

Business Organizations

Democratic leadership is also often utilized in business settings, where employees are encouraged to participate in many different aspects of the decision-making and problem-solving process.

Clubs and Groups

Democratic leadership can also be exhibited in school clubs, athletic clubs, and other local-based organizations. While one person may lead the group, members often participate and have a significant say in the direction and actions of the group.

Benefits of the Democratic Leadership Style

The democratic leadership style is often considered the most effective, although when it is best applied, it often depends on the situation and other aspects of the group itself.

Some of the main benefits of a participative style of leadership include:

Better Collaboration

Democratic leaders want input from the members of their group because they recognize that each individual has unique knowledge, expertise, and experience that can help the group work towards its goals.

By making decision-making a collaborative process, democratic leaders can foster increased creativity and more innovative solutions.

Increased Engagement

Group members are encouraged to share and participate in every aspect of the process. Group members tend to feel very involved, which can help improve motivation and commitment.

More Creativity

Because the democratic leadership style encourages people to share their ideas, this type of leader also rewards creativity. Because new and innovative solutions are likely to be praised or rewarded, group members are likelier to come up with ideas that are out of the box.

Improved Confidence

Democratic leadership style also provides support and guidance to help group members perform their best and learn new things. The goal is to help each person feel confident and capable.

More Commitment and Satisfaction

People in a group directed by democratic leaders tend to feel more satisfied with their contributions and more committed to the organization’s goals.

The main benefits of the democratic leadership style include more innovation, confidence, involvement, commitment, and satisfaction.

Drawbacks of the Democratic Leadership Style

While democratic leadership can be effective, it also has some potential downsides. These can include:


Democratic leadership can sometimes lead to inefficient decision-making, as it often takes longer to reach a consensus than it would if one person were in charge. This can be frustrating for group members who want or need quick decisions to be made.

Lack of Direction

Democratic leadership can also sometimes lack a clear sense of direction, as the leader may not have a strong vision for the group. This can make it difficult for the group to stay focused and motivated.

Not Suitable for Every Situation

Democratic leadership is not always appropriate or effective. For example, if a situation requires quick decisions or immediate action, democratic leadership may not be the best option.

Tips for Using a Democratic Leadership Style

So what can you do to ensure that you use a democratic leadership style effectively? How can you incorporate more aspects of participative leadership into your own management approach? A few ideas include:

Encourage Participation

The democratic leadership style is all about encouraging people to participate in the decision-making process. You can do this by soliciting input from your team, encouraging open communication, and creating opportunities for people to share their ideas.

Create a Supportive Environment

Creating an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions is essential. This means being open to different perspectives, providing constructive feedback, and showing appreciation for good ideas.

Encourage Creativity

Democratic leadership also rewards creativity, so encourage your team to develop new and innovative solutions. Brainstorming sessions can be a great way to generate new ideas.

Be Willing to Compromise

Democratic leadership is about finding solutions that work for everyone. This means that you may need to be willing to compromise on some things. Be open to considering different options and be prepared to negotiate until you find a solution that everyone can agree on.

Lead by Example

Democratic leadership starts with the leader. You need to set the tone for participation and collaboration. Model the behavior you want to see from your team, and encourage others to do the same.

You can become a more democratic leader by encouraging people to share their input, cultivating a supportive environment, and rewarding creativity. You can also set a good example and show that you are willing to compromise.

How to Find Your Leadership Style

Other common leadership styles include authoritarian leadership, laissez-faire leadership, and transformational leadership. If you are not sure what type of leadership style you have, there are a few different ways you can find out.

One way to start is to read descriptions of different leadership styles and decide which one sounds most like you. In many cases, you will find that your individual style is actually a mixture of some of the main styles of leadership.

Another way is to take a leadership style quiz. This can give you a more defined idea of your individual style.


Who makes the decisions in your group?

How much input do you accept from your followers?

How much direction do you give to subordinates?

How do you respond to mistakes by members of your team?

How often do you check in with members of your team?

What do you do to motivate your team?

What's the most important goal for your group?

How do you define a successful team?

Leadership Style Quiz: What's Your Leadership Style?
Your results suggest that you tend to have a transformational leadership style. The people in your group look to you to serve as an example, and you are happy to oblige. You offer motivation, guidance, and inspiration that lead your team members to feel passionate and committed to the cause.
Your results suggest that you tend to have a managerial leadership style. You're all about having a plan and sticking with it. You expect people on your team to follow the rules, accept direction, and get things done on a schedule. On the plus side, your team gets things done efficiently and on time. Sometimes, people on your team might be left feeling micromanaged, which can lead to dissatisfaction and low commitment.
Your results suggest that you tend to have an authoritarian leadership style. You have the final say over all decisions and you rarely, if ever, accept any input from the members of your team. This can work well in situations where you are the most knowledgeable person or when time is of the essence. When overused, this style can crush creativity and lead to high turnover.
Your results suggest that you tend to have a democratic leadership style. While you still retain the final say over decisions in your group, you are good at letting members of your group have a say and contribute their expertise. On the plus side, the people on your team feel engaged in the process and committed to the group's goals. Problems can emerge, however, if your followers are not sure of their roles.
Your results suggest that you tend to have a laissez-faire approach to leadership. This style of leadership generally results in the poorest outcomes, although it can be appropriate in certain situations. Because of the lack of direction, group members may feel uninvolved and unsure of what they are supposed to be doing. In cases where group members are themselves experts, it can be a good choice and allow these highly skilled team members to have their autonomy while expressing their creativity.

Share your Results:

Still not sure? Try observing yourself in different leadership situations. This can help you to see what leadership behaviors come naturally to you and which ones you need to work on.

Democratic leadership is a popular management style, but it’s not right for every situation. It is characterized by participation and input from group members, but it also has some potential drawbacks.

When used correctly, democratic leadership can be a powerful tool for leading a team to success. Use these tips to ensure that you are using democratic leadership effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is democratic leadership so effective?

Democratic leadership is effective because it encourages people to participate in the decision-making process. This can lead to better decision-making, as well as increased commitment and creativity from team members.

What are some of the drawbacks of democratic leadership?

Democratic leadership can sometimes be less efficient than other management styles because it can take longer to reach a decision. It can also be challenging to maintain control over a team when everyone has a say in decisions.

What are the three main traits of a democratic leader?

Democratic leaders are typically open-minded, compromising, and willing to solicit input from others.

What is an example of democratic leadership?

An example of democratic leadership would be a manager who solicits input from their team before making a decision. They would consider different options and try to find a solution that everyone can agree on.

When shouldn’t you use democratic leadership?

Democratic leadership is not always the best choice. If you need to make a quick decision, or if you are dealing with a situation where there is little room for compromise, you might be better off relying on a different leadership style.

How can you become a better democratic leader?

One way to become a better democratic leader is to practice active listening. This means really paying attention to what others are saying and taking the time to understand their point of view. It’s also important to be open-minded and willing to compromise.


Democratic leadership is a style of management that encourages participation and input from group members. It can be effective in fostering creativity and commitment, but it also has some potential drawbacks. When used correctly, democratic leadership can be a powerful tool for leading a team to success.


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