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6 Social Psychology Topics to Explore

Social psychology is a branch of psychology that studies how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others. This can include the real presence of other people or just their imagined presence.

Social psychology topics examine how people interact, form impressions of one another, and make decisions in social situations. 

Social psychologists investigate topics such as social influence, social cognition, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and attitudes. The field draws on various methods, including experiments, surveys, observations, and field studies, to understand how social factors shape human behavior and experience.

Important Social Psychology Topics

Social psychology is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of sub-topics focused on understanding how individuals think, feel, and behave in social situations. The three main social psychology topics that other sub-topics tend to fall under are:

Social Cognition

This subfield focuses on how people perceive, process, and remember information about themselves and others. It delves into processes like attribution, impression formation, stereotypes, prejudice, and social identity.

Social Influence

This area examines how the presence, actions, or mere existence of others can affect an individual’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or behaviors. This subfield examines how others influence people in social contexts. Researchers in social influence study topics such as conformity, obedience, compliance, and persuasion.

Social Relationships

This subfield focuses on studying romantic relationships, friendships, and other forms of interpersonal interaction. Researchers in this area study topics such as attraction, interpersonal relationships, aggression, altruism, and interpersonal communication.

Other Social Psychology Topics

Other areas of interest within the field of social psychology include:

Group Processes

This subfield focuses on the study of how individuals behave in group contexts. Researchers in group processes study topics such as group decision-making, social identity, intergroup conflict, and group performance.

Intergroup Relations

This subfield focuses on the study of relations between different social groups, including prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, and intergroup conflict.

Applied Social Psychology

This subfield focuses on the practical application of social psychology research to real-world problems. Researchers in this area study topics such as health behavior, environmental behavior, and organizational behavior.

These are just some of the principal subfields within social psychology, and they often overlap. Many social psychologists also specialize in specific topics within these subfields, such as the psychology of persuasion or the psychology of prejudice.

Examples of Social Psychology Topics

Social psychology topics encompass a wide range of topics that investigate how individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social factors. Here are some examples of specific social psychology topics that help us understand more about different aspects of social behavior:

  • Leadership: Examining the qualities and behaviors of effective leaders, leadership styles, and the dynamics of leadership within groups.
  • Group behavior: Studying how individuals behave within groups, including conformity, groupthink, social facilitation, and group decision-making processes.
  • Aggression: Investigating the causes and consequences of aggressive behavior, including social learning, frustration-aggression theory, and the influence of social norms.
  • Persuasion: Exploring the strategies and techniques used to influence others’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, including principles of persuasion such as reciprocity, authority, and social proof.
  • Prejudice and discrimination: Examining the origins and manifestations of prejudice and discrimination based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and social class.
  • Social identity: Investigating how individuals’ self-concept and social identity are shaped by their membership in various social groups, including social categorization, social comparison, and social identity theory.
  • Attitudes and attitude change: This field studies the formation, structure, and modification of attitudes and the factors that influence attitude change, such as cognitive dissonance, persuasion, and social influence.
  • Interpersonal relationships: Examining the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of relationships, including topics such as attraction, intimacy, attachment styles, and relationship satisfaction.
  • Altruism and prosocial behavior: Investigating the factors that motivate individuals to engage in helping behavior, cooperation, and acts of kindness towards others, as well as the role of empathy, altruistic norms, and bystander intervention.
  • Social perception and cognition: Exploring how individuals perceive, interpret, and make judgments about themselves and others in social situations, including topics such as impression formation, stereotypes, and attribution theory.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of topics studied within social psychology. Each area contributes to our understanding of human behavior within social contexts and has important implications for addressing societal issues and improving interpersonal relationships.

Brief History of Social Psychology Topics

Social psychology has a rich and varied history, which can be traced back to the late 19th century. Here is a brief overview of its development:

1890s: Early social psychology was heavily influenced by the work of social philosophers and sociologists, such as Herbert Spencer and Émile Durkheim. The focus was on social norms and the impact of social structure on human behavior.

1920s-1930s: The field shifted towards experimental methods, led by psychologists such as Kurt Lewin, often credited as the founder of modern social psychology. Lewin emphasized the importance of understanding the individual’s subjective experience of social situations, and his work had a major impact on the field’s theoretical and methodological approach.

1940s-1950s: Social psychology continued to grow and expand, focusing on the study of attitudes, conformity, and persuasion. Social psychologists such as Solomon Asch and Muzafer Sherif conducted groundbreaking experiments in these areas.

1960s-1970s: This period was characterized by a growing interest in the social and cultural factors that shape human behavior. Social psychologists began to study topics such as race, gender, and intergroup relations, and to explore how social context influences individual behavior.

1980s-present: Social psychology has continued to evolve, with researchers exploring various topics related to social cognition, emotion, motivation, and social influence. The field has also become increasingly interdisciplinary, drawing on insights from neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and cultural psychology. 

Social psychologists continue to investigate the complex ways social factors shape human experience and behavior to improve our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Questions Social Psychology Topics Address

Social psychology topics seek to understand and explain various questions related to human behavior, cognition, and emotion in social contexts. Here are some examples of the types of questions that social psychologists might ask:

  • How do individuals perceive other people based on their appearance, behavior, and other cues? What factors influence these impressions, and how accurate are they?
  • How do people make group decisions, and what factors influence the decision-making process? How do group dynamics affect individual behavior and attitudes?
  • How do people form and maintain relationships, and what factors contribute to their success or failure? What role do factors such as attraction, communication, and social support play in relationships?
  • How do social norms, values, and beliefs influence individual behavior and attitudes? How do people conform to these norms, and what factors influence their willingness to do so?
  • How do people perceive and respond to social inequality and injustice, and what factors influence these responses? What role do prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping play in social behavior and attitudes?
  • How do people regulate their emotions in social situations, and what factors influence this process? How do emotions affect social behavior and decision-making?
  • How do social institutions and structures, such as the family, the media, and the legal system, influence social behavior and attitudes? How can these structures be changed to promote more positive outcomes for individuals and society?

The field constantly evolves, and social psychologists are always exploring new topics and questions related to human behavior in social contexts.

Experiments on Social Psychology Topics

Social psychology has a rich history of influential and groundbreaking experiments. Such research has helped to shape our understanding of human behavior in social contexts. 

Some examples of some of the best-known experiments exploring social psychology topics include:

Milgram’s Obedience Study

Psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted his famous obedience experiments during the 1960s. The experiments examined the willingness of participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to administer electric shocks to another person. The study revealed the disturbing extent to which people were willing to obey even when it caused harm to others.

While influential, the study has long been criticized for its ethical problems. More recently, researchers have uncovered evidence suggesting that Milgram engaged in actions to help achieve the results he was looking to find. Milgram coerced and pressured participants to continue delivering shocks. In some cases, the participants guessed what the intentions of the experiment were and altered their behavior to play along.

Asch’s Conformity Study

This study, conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s, examined how people conform to group norms even when they conflict with their own perceptions. Participants were asked to judge the length of lines on a card and then were asked to state their answer out loud in the presence of a group of confederates who gave incorrect answers.

The study revealed the strong influence of social pressure on individual decision-making. Even though participants did not agree with the other participants, they still went along in order to conform with the rest of the group.

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment

This study, conducted by Philip Zimbardo in the 1970s, examined the effects of social roles and situational factors on behavior. Participants were randomly assigned to be either guards or prisoners in a simulated prison environment. The study was terminated early due to the extreme and abusive behavior of the guards.

Like Milgram’s experiments, the Stanford prison experiment has been criticized in recent years due to recent evidence that participants faked their behaviors to get out of the study and that the experimenters themselves encouraged the abusive behaviors.

Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance Experiment

This study, conducted by Leon Festinger in the 1950s, examined the psychological discomfort that arises when people hold conflicting beliefs or attitudes, a phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance. Participants were asked to complete a boring task and then were paid either $1 or $20 to tell a new participant that the task was enjoyable. The study revealed that those who were paid only $1 reported enjoying the task more, as they had to justify why they lied to the new participant.

Sherif’s Robbers Cave Experiment

Muzafer Sherif’s experiment, known as the Robbers Cave experiment, placed boys in a summer camp setting. The boys were placed in two groups and were pitted against each other to compete for the available resources. The study found that the participants created hierarchies and power structures that led to competition and fighting between the two groups.

Darley and Latané’s Bystander Intervention Study

This study, conducted by John Darley and Bibb Latané in the 1960s, examined the bystander effect—the phenomenon whereby people are less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when others are present. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire in a room when they heard someone in an adjacent room having a seizure. The study revealed that participants were less likely to seek help when they believed others were present.

Such experiments have helped shape our understanding of human behavior in social contexts.

Applications for Social Psychology Topics

Social psychology has the potential to be utilized to solve real-world problems in a variety of areas. Here are some examples of how social psychology can be applied to address practical problems:

Health Behavior

Social psychology can be used to promote healthy behaviors, such as exercise and healthy eating, and prevent unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking and drug use. Research in this area focuses on understanding the factors that influence health behaviors and developing effective interventions to change them.

Environmental Behavior

Social psychology can be used to promote environmentally friendly behaviors, such as recycling and reducing energy consumption. Research in this area focuses on understanding the psychological factors that influence environmental behavior and developing effective interventions to promote sustainable behavior.

Organizational Behavior

Social psychology can be used to improve organizational behavior and productivity by understanding the social dynamics that influence employee behavior and attitudes. Research in this area focuses on topics such as leadership, motivation, communication, and teamwork.


Social psychology can be used to improve educational outcomes by understanding the psychological factors that influence learning and academic achievement. Research in this area focuses on topics such as student motivation, teacher-student interactions, and educational interventions.

Intergroup Relations

Social psychology can improve intergroup relations and reduce prejudice and discrimination. Research in this area focuses on understanding the psychological factors contributing to intergroup conflict and developing effective interventions to improve intergroup relations.

What Do Social Psychologists Do?

Social psychologists study various aspects of human behavior within social contexts. They conduct research to better understand how the presence or actions of others influence individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Some specific activities that social psychologists engage in:

Conducting Research

Social psychologists often design and conduct experiments to investigate specific social phenomena. These experiments may involve manipulating variables to observe their effects on participants’ behavior or attitudes.

Social psychologists may also conduct observational studies to observe and analyze naturally occurring social behaviors in real-world settings.

They design and administer surveys to collect data on individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Survey research helps social psychologists understand the prevalence of certain social phenomena and the factors that influence them.


Many social psychologists work in academic settings, where they teach courses on social psychology and mentor students interested in pursuing careers in the field. They may also supervise graduate students’ research projects and theses.

Applying Research Findings

Social psychologists may also work in applied settings like government agencies, non-profit organizations, or businesses. They apply their understanding of social behavior to address real-world problems, such as improving teamwork in organizations, reducing prejudice and discrimination, or designing effective marketing campaigns.

Social psychologists play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of human behavior in social contexts and applying that knowledge to various practical domains.


Social psychology can be utilized to solve real-world problems by using empirical research to understand the psychological factors that influence behavior and develop evidence-based interventions to change behavior and improve outcomes in various areas of life.


Bandawe, C. (2010). A brief history of Social Psychology and its contribution to health in Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal22(2).

Le Texier, T. (2019). Debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment. American Psychologist, 74(7), 823–839.

Matthews, G. (2020). A grand challenge for personality and social psychology: Competition, cooperation, or co-existence? Frontiers in Psychology11, 1570.

Umberson, D., & Karas Montez, J. (2010). Social relationships and health: A flashpoint for health policy. Journal of Health and Social Behavior51(1_suppl), S54–S66.